Short antenna for point optics and perfect receipt, thus annoying rattling of the series antenna at a-column is void Color black - purchase number 20062
19.90 €
Delivery weight: 1 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
Short antenna for point optics and perfect receipt, thus annoying rattling of the series antenna at a-column is void Color silver - purchase number 20063
19.90 €
Delivery weight: 1 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
Smart Fortwo high-grade steel tail hole screen Smart Fortwo 1 pieces of high-grade steel tail hole screen brushed with TÜV and ABE. This beautiful optics gives its Smart Fortwo a beautiful appearance at the tail. Assembly takes place at the existing original fastening spots. The assembly instruction provided is simply and easily understandable. This high-grade steel hole screen revalues its Smart Fortwo. Simple care with high-grade steel polish no additional registration costs assembling time approx. 35 minutes. 2 years warranty
139.00 €
Delivery weight: 10 kg
Not in stock-Delivery time on request |
Tail apron Smart fortwo 450 (Verabeitung: ANODIZES DUETT MATTE) - properly matching form - simple assembly - keeps long an autolife/an investment is worthwhile oneself This beautiful optics gives its Smart Fortwo a beautiful appearance at the tail. Assembly takes place at the existing original fastening spots. The assembly instruction provided is simply and easily understandable.
106.00 €
Delivery weight: 10 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
Smart 450 aluminum tail apron individual inclusive double tube exhaust (Verabeitung: ANODIZES PLAN MATTE) Smart fortwo 450 tail apron with own text inclusive double tube exhaust The text on the tail apron is freely selectable. In the price 5 euros are contained up to ten letters according to desire, each further letter cost! Please give the text with the cash under " Remarks on the order and Lieferung" on! Befestiung to that orig. Fastening spots/assembly material one provides
309.00 €
Delivery weight: 10 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
S.P.Design Antenna in Chrom for Smart Fortwo 450+451 Antenna produced from high graded steel and chromed. |
Old price 41.65 €
35.40 €
Delivery weight: 2 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
Smart Fortwo 2 pieces of triangle screens (Material: FLAT MATTE ANODIZES) Smart Fortwo 2 pieces high-quality, properly matching aluminum - triangle screens for the drivers - and front seat passenger side. Double-sided tape is attached under the plates, foil off takes and triangles on glues, completely. Thus a simple assembly. This is a beautiful feature at their Smart fortwo. The triangle screens are available in differently versions. Bestellnummer Material Status Preis 1708081-0001 EDELSTAHLLOOK GESCHLIFFEN 1708081-0002 PLAN MATT ELOXIERT 1708081-0003 DUETT MATT ELOXIERT |
30.10 €
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Not in stock-Delivery time on request |
S.P.Design Antenne Chrom slotted for Smart Fortwo 450+451. Produced from stainless steel and than chromed. |
Old price 41.65 €
35.40 €
Delivery weight: 2 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
Short antenna for point optics, type Elegance, different length adjustable of 11-17cm, and perfect receipt, thus escapes annoying rattling of the series antenna at a-column color silver - purchase number 20064
19.90 €
Delivery weight: 2 kg
In stock-Delivery time in 3-5 working days |
Short antenna for point optics, type Elegance, different length adjustable of 11-17cm, and perfect receipt, thus escapes annoying rattling of the series antenna at a-column color silver - purchase number 20065
19.90 €
Delivery weight: 2 kg
Not in stock-Delivery time on request |
LED stop light 8 LED' s, clear glas finished to the simple installation LED stop light Housing CHROME .For smart fortwo 450+ Roadster 452. |
69.90 €
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Not in stock-Delivery time on request |